
All You Need to Know About a Windows System Restore

A system restore can save your computer from all sorts of issues; a lack of storage, a virus, or a glitchy program. And these are just a few of those issues that can be resolved.

A system restore can save your computer from all sorts of issues; a lack of storage, a virus, or a glitchy program.  And these are just a few of those issues that can be resolved.  But if you aren’t confident in the computer world, it’s possible you don’t know what a system restore can do.  It sounds a little intimidating, but when you learn more about it, you’ll see that it can be a real life-saver.  Read on to find out how.

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Kindle is Crashing Windows 10 Anniversary Users

Recently, Windows 10 underwent an update called the Windows 10 Anniversary update. Those who have updated are reporting problems when they plug in their Kindle.

Though, to be fair, it’s probably not Kindle’s fault.  Recently, Windows 10 underwent an update called the Windows 10 Anniversary update.  Those who have updated are reporting problems when they plug in their Kindle to charge or to transfer books.  The issue appears to be widespread.  Is it affecting you?  There may be a few ways to work around it.

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Microsoft Gives Business Computers the Cortana Treatment

The application can pull data from Microsoft’s business application and provides the opportunity for multiple user viewing and editing on their own devices (iOS, Windows, or Android).

Back in July, Microsoft revealed two business applications set to change the way more casual business owners examine their business data. GigJam and Cortana Analytics Suite both use the Cortana personal assistant originally designed for the Windows Phone (and now incorporated into Windows 10), and were presented as a way to make IT-powered business processes more understandable and accessible. Read on to see how these two new tools can help your business adopt the Cortana Treatment. [Read more…]

One Keyboard Shortcut You Should be Using

Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC.

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that you can use to perform a task that would typically require a mouse or other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to work with your PC, saving you time and effort as you work with Windows and other apps. But the recent update to Windows 10 has changed some of those time-honored keyboard shortcuts (and added some new ones!) So here is one of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for multitasking: Window Snapping!

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We’ve got the rundown on Windows 10

Is Windows 10 right for you?

Microsoft is coming out with a hot new operating system (OS) called Windows 10. As with any new OS, you need to get the rundown so that you know what you’re getting yourself into before you invest. That’s why we’re here with the facts so that you can decide whether or not Windows 10 is right for you. Ready to learn more? Well, here we go! [Read more…]

Protecting Your Windows PC Against Malware

Over the past few months, a piece of Malware has been attacking Windows computers and extorting people for money in order to get their files back. The ransom is generally a few hundred dollars and if you don’t pay it, you can kiss your whole computer goodbye (unless, of course, you’ve backed up your files). Here are some things you need to know about CryptoLocker

  • It only affects Windows PCs. If you have a computer that runs Linux or OSX, you’re safe from CryptoLocker. As a Windows owner, though, you’ll want to protect yourself from this virus.
  • CryptoLocker is most likely to affect your JPGs, Word documents, PDFs, and PowerPoints. All of these files can be important for both companies and individual.
  • Unless you pay the fee that the malware asks for, you can’t get your files back. They are infected with no chance of recovery.
  • If a malware file is found early enough, it can be removed and stopped. However, once it has started to infect your files, there’s no longer any chance of recovery.

Now that you know a little bit about CryptoLocker, you’re probably wondering what you can do to protect yourself agains it and other types of malware.

  • Back EVERYTHING up. It’s not only malware that can cause you to lose your information. It’s best to have backups of everything that you create. As a good practice, you should update your backups at least once a week.
  • Purchase good anti-virus software. You’ll need something that will help ensure that your computer can’t be infected by any type of malware.
  • Make sure that everything that goes out or comes in is from a trusted source. Do not open any attachments from unknown or untrustworthy sources.

If you have any questions about Malware or CryptoLocker and IT Security, please contact Working Nets by calling (443) 992-7394 or visit WorkingNets.com today!

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